/ World / Norway / Viken / Gol / Gol

Åsgardane - Snodalen - Vindfallet

Gol, Viken, Norway
9.1km|384m ◢ ◣ 376m|04.08.2022


The tour starts at Samfunnshuset and winds its way up the hill towards Åsgardane.

Just after the start, you can take a detour to Renslotunet and experience a traditional yard surrounded by several old houses and plains. From Åsgardane, the trip goes on a dirt road down Snodalen and further follows the dirt road from Vindfallet down towards Hagaskogen. Follow the signs towards the center that take off the dirt road before you are down in Hagaskogen.

From Snodalen, you can follow a trail towards Solseter and Skutuset (Golsfjellet).