/ World / Germany / Hamburg / undefined / Hamburg


Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
0.4km|3m ◢ ◣ 34m|27.11.2019


Via a skid track it goes up on a short counter ascent.

Once at the top there are 2-3 lines down here, if you are looking you will find the different entrances.

The upper part has a few roots depending on the line and is steeper and partly exposed.

From the middle the trail becomes flatter and due to the existing waves it is partly like a pump track, before the trail becomes a little more playful and steeper on the last stretch until you come out on the forest path.

Tour suggestion

Red Tour: https://trailguide.net/5794

Latest reports

Dustin Dre Chsler reported the conditions at Fuchspass as bad. 28.02.2022 Aufgrund des Sturmes liegen diverse Bäume im Trail. Der Forst und Verein arbeitet unter Hochdruck daran alles wieder fahrbar zu machen. Solange bitte diese Trails meiden.28.feb.2022
Eike Fridtjof Schadagies reported the conditions at Fuchspass as bad. Ziemlich zerbombt und wünscht sich ein bisschen liebe.11.apr.2021