/ World / Norway / Austagder / Valle

Trail biking in Valle, Austagder, Norway

In Valle you can find 9 MTB trails with a total length of 16 km. Plan your bike tour on the most beautiful singletracks with GPX tracks, pictures, descriptions and height profiles. Filter for the best rated mountain bike tours or choose the difficulty to find the best trails for your adventure. Use the Trailguide app to see your GPS location and navigate on your route.

Setesdal Rysstad Hovet, Austagder
1.6km | 0m ◢ ◣ 198m

Tiurleiken på Hovet

New name and description. After several hours of clearing saws and beating bogs, the flow on this path has become very good. The start is the most challenging, then it gradually becomes more fluid. Yo…
Nomeland, Austagder
0.8km | 47m ◢ ◣ 177m

yoohoo på Hovet

A nice flow path that doesn't require the roughest of bikes. Quite steep, but clear. Great fun at high speed.
Uppstad, Austagder

Flyt på Uppstad

Old tractor road, where you have to step five times at the start before you can throw the chain into the forest because then it floats down by itself. A light and great case that is very fun and gives…
Rysstad, Austagder

Rysstad traktorsti

Here is the continuation of the Rysstad hiking trail if you choose to take the tractor road rather than the trail. Flow like crazy and many track choices. Fun for everyone. Look at the Rysstad hiking …
Rysstad, Austagder

Rysstad tursti godt gjemt variant

Here is an alternative that lies between the tractor road and the path. A little more overgrown than the other, but one gets onto it eventually and one skips the most technical and wet part of the tra…
Hovet Rysstad Setesdal, Austagder

To blaute og rett ned.

A short little matter that is done in no time. Barnål trail, with two unproblematic fordings of the stream. Then you enter Yoohoo on the Hovet path, and a route you can take all the way down to the pa…
Brokke Setesdal, Austagder

Brokke lysløype

When it's clear you can pedal around the light trail in Brokke. There is a kind of road all round, suitable for stock tractors. Nice trip for the whole family, without major challenges and suitably lo…
Valle Setesdal, Austagder
1.7km | 13m ◢ ◣ 247m

Nedre Lauvås

Cycling up a dirt road, as usual I don't include that in the description. Steep path at the start, like so many other paths in the area, grows back far too quickly. If not maintained, it can be comple…
Rysstad, Austagder

Ned fra Øydetjørn

A path with varying challenges. Some really wet areas, especially at the start, but also some very nice parts. Does not go completely off the road, if you want to cycle up it. Then you only have to wa…