/ World / Germany / Hamburg / undefined / Hamburg


Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
0.5km|1m ◢ ◣ 30m|27.11.2019


The Reiherbergtrail is an easy fast trail.

The start is at the stone of the heron mountain.

The trail begins relatively wide and runs halfway along the main path.

After that it becomes a classic single trail.

Once you've come through an S-curve of two large tree trunks and crossed the forest path, there are two options.

1. You drive down the first possibility on the right, here the trail only goes straight and is fast.

2. about 5-10m further the trail goes into a short counter climb and you come to the "Autobahntrail"

Tour suggestion:

Blue Tour: https://trailguide.net/5795

Latest reports

Jonas Panke reported the conditions at Reiherbergtrail as good. 24.sep.2023