Geilo, Hol, Buskerud, Norway
5.9km|117m ◢ ◣ 154m|16.10.2019
Trail is mostly intermediate but there is quite a lot of technical sections. Downhill from Eilevstølen is really nice with some technical parts. In all of the trail there is some wet spots so if there has been heavy rain, this trail might not be the best option to take.. The trail goes trough a swamp just before Ruperanden. So you probably get your legs wet. But if you don´t be afraid of wet feet, definitely worth while biking for.
GPS track starts from Vestlia. First it follow road 40 and takes a turn to the ski track. Then follow Treerwegen up. Trail starts roughly after 7,5 km and it goes alongside of the road for the first couple of kilometers.
Latest reports
Antti Ollila reported the conditions at Ruperanden as bad. Still a lot of snow on the trail. 4.jun.2023
Antti Ollila reported the conditions at Ruperanden as good. Some wet places. Mostly dry. Didn't manage to do the trip with dry feet.20.jun.2022
Antti Ollila reported the conditions at Ruperanden as very good. Mostly dry. Some wet spots like always, still surprisingly dry. 2.jun.2021
Antti Ollila reported the conditions at Ruperanden as ok. More wet than normal. 16.jul.2020
Martin Sann reported the conditions at Ruperanden as good. Vått etter regn, spesielt i myrer og rundt bekkene, ellers tørt og fint. Litt mye stein for å få god flyt6.jul.2020