Fræningen - Fjellenden++ - Storstølknatten
Aurdal, Nord-Aurdal, Oppland, Norway
7.1km|364m ◢ ◣ 216m|26.08.2019
If you are not fond of uphills; find another path.
Here you get a narrow mountain path, roots, rocks, uphill and downhill slopes. And literally more peaks.
Can be cycled nicely in combination with "Bjørgovarden from Danebu" ( or as a return trip.
When you come from Aurdal; park in the parking pocket on the right just before the exit to Danebu Kongsgård. Follow the gravel road (Frenningsvegen, toll road - only for cabin owners) up to Fræningen before the trail starts.
The road from Aurdal to Danebu Kongsgård is also a toll road. Pass costs NOK 20 (2019).
Latest reports
Joakim Voytovich reported the conditions at Fræningen - Fjellenden++ - Storstølknatten as perfect. 9.sep.2020