/ World / Norway / Oppland / Lesja / Lesjaskog

Søre Einbuvatnet

Lesjaskog, Lesja, Oppland, Norway
15.7km|763m ◢ ◣ 763m|11.08.2015


Description borrowed from here: http://www.gamasje.no/stiguide/bjorlisti.pdf

"Here everyone becomes the king of the woods. Tractor / cart road in the lower parts that turns into a path

around the tree line and lovely rock cycling and single track into the mountain. Great

ride with a low degree of difficulty or high speed. It might be good to have a map

orientate by (Lesjaskog 1:50 000), then you will see that there are several variants in

lower parts. The tractor road, which is marked at an angle up the hill (north/east) gives

easy cycling up."

Trip no. 46 in "On a trip to Lesja".


The tour starts from Kvam at the E 136 between Bjorli and Lesjaskog. There is a large gray barn/operating building on the south side of the road. The trip goes north. (See picture for arrows and scribbles.)

Photo: Martin Stige