/ World / Norway / Oppland / Sel / Skåbu

Rundt Heidalsmuen

Skåbu, Sel, Oppland, Norway
17.3km|503m ◢ ◣ 440m|04.09.2018


A nice ride that can be cycled both ways. From the start along Gamle Mugsæterveg from (New) Mugsætervegen west of Heidalsmuen, you cycle upwards on a fairly nice road/path. Gradually it becomes somewhat more rocky and damp, but cycleable the whole way with good enough technique and fitness :-) From the north end of Heidalsmuen there is a very nice descent to Bærdøla, which you wade over. It then goes nicely to Nerdalsfiskeløysa, which is easy to pass on wheels. After approx. 2-300m, it takes a path to the right towards Geitfjellet. Follow this and aim for the paths towards Kviknegråhø. It can be a bit difficult to find the right path due to the many crossing steps, but keep the height until you find a path that runs between Kvikengråhø and Kringlefjellet. (If you take off too early, you will come to a path on the lower side of Kringlefjellet that stops in heather and berries). Follow the path between the mountains and enjoy the trip towards Heidalsmuen down to the stream that becomes Sandåa (the path is somewhat indistinct when you come towards the stream, but you can see it on the other side). From there there is a nice mountain path down to Mugsætervegen again.


Either by car/bicycle from Mugsetervegen (toll road from Skåbu and Meringdalen) or by bicycle from Bukkebu in Tverrbygda (see path description "Bukkebu to the salt stone")