/ World / Norway / Akershus / Fet / Fetsund


Fetsund, Fet, Akershus, Norway
18.5km|227m ◢ ◣ 225m|07.06.2015


Nice trails put together for a nice round of 18-19km. Mostly nice children's needle trails. There is quite a bit of dull dirt road between the sections of the path, but there are also great conditions for swimming along the way! The penultimate part of the path is a little more difficult than the others, but the first part is, in return, almost wheelchair-accessible. Nice beginner's trail, but it is also a nice flowing trail for advanced riders.


Drive to Fetsund, and drive straight ahead at the roundabouts after the bridge. After a while there will be a sign with "Hvalstjern" on it, drive past this and stop at the next car park on the right-hand side of the road (this is an exit car park). Cycle into the path at the end of the car park (not down the dirt road at the barrier), and keep left.