/ World / Norway / Viken / Nes / Nesbyen


Nesbyen, Nes, Viken, Norway
2.1km|14m ◢ ◣ 137m|24.09.2016


Nice and reasonably easy gravel and trail round on Nesfjellet. Feel free to start at Nesfjellet Golf and follow "Nesfjellet round" and the "kloakktraséen" / cross-country trail. After a total of approx. 4.2 km (from Nesfjellet Golf), take a narrow natural path to the right. Easy to cycle past but there is a small sign there. This is a slightly technical but fun trail that ends at Sollistølan. From here you cycle down a cart/tractor road which is quite steep at the start, but which gradually flattens out. This ends at the road to Bøgaset cottage hamlet. Then you can either continue down (north) via Trekrypern, or cycle up to the right for about 200 meters and then left onto a tractor road and cycle through the golf course.


Park at Nesfjellet Golf (https://goo.gl/maps/hgJVRKaUVgM2818cA).

Anbefaler å sykle turen fra Nesfjellet Golf med klokka. Du skal sykle nesten hele "Kloakktraséen", men HER tar du til høyre inn på sti. Stien er ikke så lett å få øye på, så se etter det vesle skiltet.
Photo: Lars Storheim