/ World / Norway / Innlandet / Vang kommune / Tyinkrysset


Tyinkrysset, Vang kommune, Innlandet, Norway
3km|0m ◢ ◣ 307m|12.08.2023


Probably one of Valdre's finest flow segments with spectacular views into Filefjell to the west, over Tyin, and down towards Vang in the east. This is a red graded path with a couple of black passages along the way, mostly due to falls in the terrain. If you can handle cycling the red trail, this goes like a breeze.

There are more people in the mountains so expect to meet people on foot, reindeer and sheep.


Cycle up through the Gudbrandslie cottage field until you reach the end of the road, about 200 meters after the road ends, the path goes off to the left (it is marked with cairns), this if you want to go up/down. If you want a round, just start at the bottom of the ski lift and follow the lift route up to the top of Børrenøse. Cycle up from the Tyinkrysset. Enter "Gudbrandslie" on Google Maps and it will guide you in the right direction. About 6 km to cycle up.

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Photo: Ole Richard Stokke