In null finden Sie 86 MTB-Strecken mit einer Gesamtlänge von 97 km. Planen Sie Ihre Radtour auf den schönsten Singletrails mit GPX-Strecken, Bildern, Beschreibungen und Höhenprofilen. Filtern Sie nach den am besten bewerteten Mountainbiketouren oder wählen Sie den Schwierigkeitsgrad, um die besten Trails für Ihr Abenteuer zu finden. Verwenden Sie die Trailguide app um Ihren GPS-Standort anzuzeigen und auf Ihrer Route zu navigieren.
Breitenbrunn/Erzgebirge, Sachsen
1.4km | 0m ◢ ◣ 92m

French Line (Trailcenter Rabenberg)
Einer meiner persönlichen Lieblings-Flowtrails im Trailcenter Rabenberg, den müsst ihr unbedingt ausprobieren, er macht einfach unheimlich viel Spaß.
Dresden, Sachsen
0.2km | 0m ◢ ◣ 0m

Großer Garten kids spot
If you're cycling with the kids in the Großer Garten, it's a good option to integrate this short section into your tour.
Tharandt, Sachsen
4.2km | 118m ◢ ◣ 76m

The Brüderweg is a trail along the valley ridge of the "Wilde Weißeritz".
A few meters of climbing and obstacles have to be mastered in the direction specified.
If there are safety lines, then you mu…
Tharandt, Sachsen
0.6km | 0m ◢ ◣ 94m

Stony 🐐
Stony, sometimes slippery little descent to Tharandt.
Breitenbrunn/Erzgebirge, Sachsen
1.2km | 1m ◢ ◣ 74m

Stone Garden (Trailcenter Rabenberg)
The name says it all, with stony trails alternating with root passages.
If it has just rained, it becomes even more difficult ⛑.
Oybin, Sachsen
1.1km | 0m ◢ ◣ 138m

Hochwald Downhill
An easy downhill trail with rocky and blocked ground. It goes along an old sledge route and is great fun 😀
Dresden, Sachsen
2.1km | 2m ◢ ◣ 97m

A flow trail with smaller jumps that can also be bypassed at any time. A favoured beginner's trail in the Dresdner Heide.
Dresden, Sachsen
0.7km | 6m ◢ ◣ 46m

Snake Trail 2.0
The marked trail leads above along the sand quarry and includes a small bike playground with lots of jumps and other nice challenges that offer something for every level of difficulty!
Dresden, Sachsen
0.3km | 0m ◢ ◣ 50m

A "steep" shortcut to get from Oberwartha to Cossebaude.
Klipphausen, Sachsen
0.9km | 0m ◢ ◣ 84m

Spielplatz Sonnenlehne
There is a lot to discover around the descent of the Sonnenlehne 😉.
Dohna, Sachsen
3.4km | 58m ◢ ◣ 161m

A trail along the Lockwitzgrund that never gets boring.
Beware, in some places you should be free from giddiness and take good care 😉
Dresden, Sachsen
0.5km | 7m ◢ ◣ 29m

Zum Prießnitzwasserfall
A beautiful descent with high berms directly to the small waterfall.
Breitenbrunn/Erzgebirge, Sachsen
0.3km | 0m ◢ ◣ 41m

Angry Nun (Trailcenter Rabenberg)
Hier ist der Name Programm, es sind einige heftige Stufen in diese kleine Abkürzung eingearbeitet.
Bannewitz, Sachsen
0.5km | 6m ◢ ◣ 45m

A beautiful forest trail that also works well in winter 😁 .
Klipphausen, Sachsen
1.9km | 1m ◢ ◣ 117m

A great trail for the whole family to just let it run.
Breitenbrunn/Erzgebirge, Sachsen
1.5km | 10m ◢ ◣ 84m

Flowing Ten (Trailcenter Rabenberg)
The best way to warm up is via the Flowing Ten, before you can decide how to continue.
Klipphausen, Sachsen
3.7km | 67m ◢ ◣ 103m

Totenhäuschen Trail
A flow trail along the "Elbleiten" ridge.
Oybin, Sachsen
1.7km | 6m ◢ ◣ 200m

Wonderful downhill ride through the forest with some rocky passages. In between you have a beautiful view of Oybin.
Dresden, Sachsen
3.6km | 47m ◢ ◣ 134m

Zschonergrund Trail #1
The trail itself is rather easy in level of difficulty but also has a few rocky and steep sections that require a little more biking experience.
Klipphausen, Sachsen
3.8km | 22m ◢ ◣ 133m

The trail starts flowy before becoming a little steeper over a few stones and two small bridges directly into the stony Saubach valley.
Dresden, Sachsen
0.4km | 1m ◢ ◣ 27m

Brückenweg Trail
A nice little section with various small jumps, which can also be bypassed at any time.
Breitenbrunn/Erzgebirge, Sachsen
0.6km | 0m ◢ ◣ 47m

Rollercoaster (Trailcenter Rabenberg)
Good for getting to feel the more difficult trails in the trail park.
Dresden, Sachsen
0.5km | 4m ◢ ◣ 39m

Oberhalb des Zschonergrund-Steinbruchs
At the beginning, the trail leads across the meadow above the old stone quarry and then goes down into the Zschonergrund.
Tharandt, Sachsen
0.8km | 0m ◢ ◣ 138m

Kienberg Trail
The trail leads down to Tharandt with many natural switchbacks.
Dresden, Sachsen
1.3km | 5m ◢ ◣ 37m

The flow trail starts directly from the Hofewiese and goes over a few smaller bridges.
Freital, Sachsen
0.9km | 12m ◢ ◣ 109m

A descent from the Windberg with many natural switchbacks.
Dresden, Sachsen
4.9km | 4m ◢ ◣ 175m

Zschonergrund Trail #2
A long, mostly easy trail through the length of the Zschonergrund.
Klipphausen, Sachsen
0.8km | 0m ◢ ◣ 58m

Erlichtgrund Trail
A beautiful ride directly after the Elbleiten through the forest along the creek to quickly reach the Elbe cycle path.
The most difficult obstacle is the bridge that needs to be crossed.
Dresden, Sachsen
1.1km | 20m ◢ ◣ 5m

An der A4
Despite the A4, a fairly quiet trail along the highway.
Dresden, Sachsen
0.3km | 0m ◢ ◣ 42m

Entiretec Trail
A nice little forest descent with some roots.
Dresden, Sachsen
0.9km | 0m ◢ ◣ 121m

Shortcut to get quickly from Oberwartha to Niederwartha.
Freital, Sachsen
0.4km | 4m ◢ ◣ 21m

An der Flügelschneise
Beautiful short descent with some loose stone elements.
Breitenbrunn/Erzgebirge, Sachsen
0.9km | 0m ◢ ◣ 55m

Final Flow (Trailcenter Rabenberg)
The trail always offers a relaxed finale before returning to the starting point for the next round.
Radebeul, Sachsen
0.3km | 0m ◢ ◣ 47m

From the Zechstein there is a steep direct access to the downhill trail. This contains some steep and, above all, narrow passages!
As it goes steeply downhill next to the slope, a mistake here is dan…
Radebeul, Sachsen
2.2km | 5m ◢ ◣ 33m

Long family-friendly trail along the railroad line.
There is a small creek crossing at the beginning, which is rather difficult, but you can also push your bike.
Coswig, Sachsen
0.7km | 4m ◢ ◣ 12m

Zum Spritzgrundteich
Nice short trail through the forest to the Spritzgrundteich, where you can cool your feet.
There are a few small obstacles along the way, perfect for practicing.
Radebeul, Sachsen
1km | 0m ◢ ◣ 41m

Um den Wasserturm
Longer trail ride around the forest park.
Radebeul, Sachsen
0.8km | 2m ◢ ◣ 29m

The trail itself is more green in level of difficulty if you have mastered the steps to the creek at the beginning.
Radebeul, Sachsen
0.3km | 0m ◢ ◣ 45m

Sternwarte #2
There are a number of trails starting from the observatory.
This starts directly with a few steps before going into the forest and crossing a jump line 😵.
Radebeul, Sachsen
0.5km | 0m ◢ ◣ 72m

Sternwarte #1
There are a number of trails starting from the observatory.
This one is a rocky downhill trail with a few steps at the end.
Klipphausen, Sachsen
0.6km | 3m ◢ ◣ 55m

A very narrow trail along the edge with two very steep sections.
Should NOT be used when it is raining, otherwise you will be standing in water at the bottom of the tunnel entrance.
Once you've ma…
Radebeul, Sachsen
0.3km | 6m ◢ ◣ 31m

Vom Ginsterweg
The trail becomes increasingly steeper and is quite rocky on the cliff, before descending steeply down sandy and rooty terrain.
Radebeul, Sachsen
0.8km | 22m ◢ ◣ 14m

Zum Zechstein
Beautiful trail through the forest to get to the Zechstein. There is a nice rocky obstacle just before the end.
Radebeul, Sachsen
0.7km | 2m ◢ ◣ 61m

The trail starts easily into the forest and then surprises with a small jump in the middle before it quickly goes down sandy and rooty.
Klipphausen, Sachsen
0.9km | 0m ◢ ◣ 74m
An der Gohle
From the dirt road, it goes straight down into the trail in the forest.
Steina, Sachsen
1.6km | 0m ◢ ◣ 123m
Schwedenstein #2
A longer trail section from Schwedenstein, which starts directly with the most difficult element, the steps, but which can also be bypassed on the side.
Klipphausen, Sachsen
1.2km | 0m ◢ ◣ 41m
Relaxed trail through the forest along the "Prinzbach" creek.
Oybin, Sachsen
1.6km | 43m ◢ ◣ 85m
An easy route through the forest with a few up and down sections.
Dresden, Sachsen
3km | 26m ◢ ◣ 123m
5 Brüder Kamm-Trail
The trail starts at the "5 Brüder" natural monument and then leads along the ridge to the pipe track of the pumped storage plant before down to the "Tännichgrund-Trail".
The trail is not very difficu…
Freital, Sachsen
0.3km | 0m ◢ ◣ 12m
An der Hundehütte
Small trail section with natural pump track sections that can also be jumped.
Dresden, Sachsen
0.6km | 0m ◢ ◣ 76m
Neben der Rohrbahn
A shortcut through the forest to get from Oberwartha to Niederwartha.
Klipphausen, Sachsen
3.3km | 0m ◢ ◣ 127m
Flowing trail through the forest along the creek with a few tricky creek crossings.
Moritzburg, Sachsen
0.7km | 0m ◢ ◣ 41m
Trail route from the "Blechburg" directly to the "Junge Heide"
Klipphausen, Sachsen
2.8km | 0m ◢ ◣ 82m
The Eichhörnchengrund is a beautiful, almost flowing trail through the woods with very easy creek crossings.
Steina, Sachsen
0.6km | 0m ◢ ◣ 73m
Schwedenstein #1
A short trail from Schwedenstein with small but nice jump options.
Klipphausen, Sachsen
0.1km | 2m ◢ ◣ 15m
Kleditzsch Shortcut
A short, steep trail shortcut in the Kleditzschgrund.
Klipphausen, Sachsen
1.1km | 0m ◢ ◣ 16m
Flachsgrund - Trail
A nice little trail ride through the forest at the edge of the field, which also has two tiny kids' doubles on the right-hand side 👀.
Dresden, Sachsen
0.4km | 9m ◢ ◣ 6m
Wurzeln an der Prießnitz
If you are looking for a little change from the cycle path along the Priessnitz, you should definitely take this rooted section of trail with you.
Moritzburg, Sachsen
0.2km | 0m ◢ ◣ 21m
Short, steep, rooty shortcut to the “Friedewald” station.
Radebeul, Sachsen
1.2km | 7m ◢ ◣ 91m
Blechburg - Reblaus - Trail
From the Blechburg, the route is narrow with a few obstacles and a beautiful view over Radebeul and Dresden, before heading directly towards the Replaus via a few switchbacks and the final stairs.
Coswig, Sachsen
1.2km | 19m ◢ ◣ 32m
Zum Spitzgrundteich
Trail from the “Hoher Stein” to the "Spitzgrundteich".
Dresden, Sachsen
0.3km | 0m ◢ ◣ 40m
5 Brüder Bach
Rootless shortcut from the “5 Brüder” to the "Tännichtgrundbach".
At the end there are a few old steps to master.
Klipphausen, Sachsen
1km | 0m ◢ ◣ 13m
Wilde Sau
A short trail section along the “Wilde Sau”.
Moritzburg, Sachsen
0.8km | 0m ◢ ◣ 45m
Beautiful forest trail with a few smaller obstacles either directly up to "Blechburg" or down to Radebeul.
Klipphausen, Sachsen
0.3km | 0m ◢ ◣ 31m
Riemsdorfer Wasser Verbindung
A small downhill trail that includes a small self-made bridge crossing and joins the upper green trail with the blue trail.
Klipphausen, Sachsen
0.2km | 0m ◢ ◣ 27m
Black Shotcut Kleditzschgrund
A relaxed shortcut for the “Kleditzschgrund Trail” with berms at the beginning, which then becomes damn steep to cross the “Kleditzschgrundbach” 😲.
Radebeul, Sachsen
0.3km | 0m ◢ ◣ 54m
Sternwarte #4
There are a number of trails starting from the observatory.
This trail is a flowier alternative to the “Sternwarte #1” trail, but with a steep, more difficult descent section just before the end.
Radebeul, Sachsen
1.5km | 56m ◢ ◣ 42m
A connecting trail between “Zechstein” and “Hoher Stein”, which offers a beautiful view above the Talkenberger-Hof.
❗ Please note that you have to push up one section, as cycling is explicitly prohi…
Radebeul, Sachsen
0.2km | 0m ◢ ◣ 41m
Zechstein #2
Two steep trails start directly down from the Zechstein. If you keep to the right here, you come to a very steep downhill section that leads back down to the trail.
Radebeul, Sachsen
0.4km | 0m ◢ ◣ 55m
An inconspicuous trail that ends above the vineyards and uses old paths between the vineyards.
Dresden, Sachsen
1.8km | 28m ◢ ◣ 45m
The trail, which is very narrow in sections, can be ridden in both directions. It starts quite flowy from the parking area and then goes very steep and sandy down the hillside.
Dresden, Sachsen
0.8km | 0m ◢ ◣ 39m
A trail that goes directly along the hillside, but at the end you have to find a way over the creek ♒.
Dresden, Sachsen
0.9km | 3m ◢ ◣ 49m
A trail that contains some natural steps with roots at the end, perfect for practicing such steps.
Dresden, Sachsen
0.4km | 0m ◢ ◣ 22m
You should definitely take this small flow trail with you if you are in the area, it offers small jumps and nice berms 🤩 .
Dresden, Sachsen
0.2km | 0m ◢ ◣ 33m
Zum Jungfernsteig #2
One of the many trails to the Jungfernsteig.
Coswig, Sachsen
0.4km | 0m ◢ ◣ 53m
Small trail section from the "Spitzbergaussicht" directly to the "Spitzgrundteich".
Dresden, Sachsen
0.9km | 1m ◢ ◣ 42m
The flow trail offers everything you could wish for, small jumps, lots of berms and even a drop 🤩.
Coswig, Sachsen
0.2km | 0m ◢ ◣ 23m
Spritzbergabfahrt #2
Small trail section from the !Spitzbergaussicht! directly to the !Spitzgrundteich!, which goes down steeply just before the Spitzgrundteich.