/ World / Norway / Vestland / Sogndal / Nuken

Sogndal - Nuken

Nuken, Sogndal, Vestland, Norway
4.3km|213m ◢ ◣ 292m|06.07.2020


Enkelt parti i starten, men tidvis krevande sti å sykle på.

Fin grusveg ned igjen.

Latest reviews

Markus Mohn Werner rated Sogndal - Nuken ok. Stien nord-øst fra Nuken er mye finere sykling enn direkte sørover mot Hyllsete, som er gjengrodd og utvasket.20.jul.2023
Joakim Voytovich rated Sogndal - Nuken ok. In my opinion you might as well drive to the end of the road (toll - road NOK 50/ 2021) and park there. That will save you 3 km and 330 meters of climbing on a dirt road. The path is really a worn hiking trail and has quite a few large rocks in it. More red than blue in my opinion. Not at all the best bike trail in the area, but maybe one of the best views? 22.may.2021

Latest reports

Joakim Voytovich reported the conditions at Sogndal - Nuken as ok. Tørt i starten. Enkelte våte partier. Snøfonner i toppen.22.may.2021